
Diagnosis of CML patients occurs principally in the chronic phase.

Since the introduction of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), patients seldom progress to the accelerated or blast phases. However, without treatment with TKIs, CML can be life-threatening.

Patients who remain in the chronic phase of CML have a similar life expectancy as the general population.

Up to 10% of patients receive their diagnosis when in the accelerated or blast phase of CML. This reduces their chance of a good outcome.

An allogeneic stem cell transplant (ASCT) can be a beneficial option for CML patients who:

  • Are in the chronic phase, but have not responded to at least two TKIs
  • Are in the accelerated phase
  • Are in the blast phase

Patients with a variant Philadelphia chromosome that includes the BCR‑ABL1 gene respond well to the regular treatment for CML.